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Air Quality Design, Inc. (AQD-NOxWerx)  is committed to providing the best NOx instrumentation available for monitoring of trace levels of NO, NO2 and other reactive nitrogen species in demanding research applications.  Our Products page details our part-per-trillion (ppt) level chemiluminescence-based NO (nitric oxide) analyzers and our LED-based photolytic NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) converters.  The Research page highlights some of the work we are doing to improve the detection of NO and NO2 with our new product development.  On the Applications page we feature examples of how AQD instrumentation has been applied by our clients.  The Resources page houses the product data sheets, instrument manuals and maintenance notes, software, and useful references.


Air Quality Design, Inc. will celebrate 10 years in business in 2015 and we are recognizing that in part with an updated logo and website.  Both the logo and the website represent a sharpened focus on our core expertise which is NOx measurements and instrumentation.  While we will still explore new methods for the measurement of other trace gases, our primary focus will continue to be building NOx instrumentation. Thus, the addition of the word NOxWerx to our logo; a place where NOx instruments are built.

The photographs featured on the Homepage slideshow are from various places where AQD instruments have been deployed.  Happily, the remote places where atmospheric scientists go are often also quite beautiful.